Hating the Rich
Published on December 19, 2003 By OccultPizza In Blogging
Today I find myself hating the rich and wish they were dead and I will tell you why I am so angry.

About 5 years ago I started having severe pain throughout my body. The kind of pain that makes you want to hurt someone or kill yourself. It feels as though someone is taking a wretched blade and puting it on a drill and running through your bone marrow. Today I control my pain with Marijuana and Darvocet anyhere from 1300-2600mg at a time. I only use the pain killers at night so I can sleep. It wasn't until a few months ago that I started taking them at all. My wife was out of work so we qualified for state funded medical. I told the doctor what was going on and that I had been self medicating for years. He prescribed me Darvocet. WoW! it's amazing how much of my day was screwed up due to sleep deprivated psychosis. Now I can get 6-8 hours of rest instead of 2-4 because of pain.

Last month, I found out I am suffering from yet another rare and incurable disease called Hidridanitisi Suppurvita (spelled wrong I know). It is going into it's 3rd stage which means it is debilitating and one of the most extreme pains a person can go through. Well I am on a 2 month regime of antibiotics which the disease will eventually resist anyways, but for now it's working some.

Well my wife got a job at the Guardian Insurance Company and they treat her well, but we still live around the poverty level and because she is back to work our insurance is going to be cancelled. We can get Basic Health but it works on a sliding scale and we still don't have the money to pay for rent, buy stuff like food, etc. I have a small Computer Consulting Firm but it is an upstart and needs a couple years to get a good clientel. Since I need to be there for anyone who calls my business I work part time at a pizza place at night and I love working there the freedom is nice. My concern is without my medication and medical help it seems they are trying to force me on disability which for those of you who are on it you understand the ramifications of being fed by the state. If I get no help, I will go back to aganoizing pain along with sleep deprivated psychosis which is no fun.

I read an article a while back that said if the 1% of the rich gave 4% of their income everyone would have shelter, food and medical. Why isn't this the case? Has no one stepped forward with a plan? Do these elite rich care about us? The answer is NO!!! You see if they did care about the state of the world and were humanitarians this would have happened a long time ago. They just give enough (even if billions) too keep everyone off their back and make them seem like good guys. The truth of the matter is it is all about power, prestige, etc.

The rich live in fear of losing their money. I watched Mark Ray who owns all the McDonalds in Spokane go from being a great owner giving out awesome bonuses and checks for the holidays to a tyrannt who doesn't hardly give bonuses to anyone anymore and lives in a mansion 20 times the size that they need while the rest of humanity suffers greatly. They live like cowards and scared mice behind the shelter of great walls with iron gates, security cameras and personel.

In the great depression we almost had another civil war, if it wasn't for the president creating a mass defceit spending proposition for sure America would have killed the rich and redistributed the wealth. With that and WW2 which greatly helped the economy (perfect timing for a war eh?) by killing kids to lower unemployment and to steal the gold from other countries and make it out own. After the war the rich elite knew god was failing and not keeping people in line and away from thoughts of revolution. In comes television with sublime twists of advertising. Although clunky in it's infancy it is a refined beast that creates fear and consumption. Last few years crime went down but the televising of crime skyrocketed to over 600%. Don't go in the water Jaws will get you. Don't leave you children alone molesters will get them.

I see things in wrong or right today not black and white. And America is a crumbling nation much like that of Rome in it's final days. The rich elite need you to sharpen their pencils, wash their cars and make their lives better so they don't have to do a damn thing except whatever they want. Am I jealous, oh yeah you bet! But ask yourself does it take away from the truth? No it doesn't.

The middle class is the worst. Created around the same time as credit cards it is the buffer between the rich and the poor. These are the people who are in debt up too their asses but are still happy because they have a newer mini van than their neighbor. Ask yourself in the back of you mind do you feel envy when someone gets something that you want and you can't have. There is no reason we can't form a solution to all the worlds problems. If I could have medical, a boat, go on trips and know that my family was safe I could work at McDonalds or some other craphole and be happy but that is not the case. People in our country suffer because of elite rich assholes like Lockheed Martin and their welfare to work program. They got rid of people who were making a crapload of money, just laid them off and started bringing in poor minorities and giving them $5/hour after a 2 hour bus trip both ways. So not only in their greed did hundreds of people lose thier livelyhoods and their security but they are saving craploads of money by forcing single parent homes to shove their kids into daycares which are heartless institutions compared to parents and forcing them to work for a value way less than they were paying previous employees so that they could make more money!!! and you sit on your fat asses reading this thinking that it will never happen to you but it can and in the next 9 years it will.

My father who was a lifer in the Navy and was a straight man. Even though we hated each other for years. I can honestly say that my father would never break a law and was the perfect little puppet that the rich and your government want you to be. Well they live in Yuma Arizona and they come up to Spokane for the summers. Well my father had a routine surgery last October and had a stroke on the operating table. The worse part of it is they shipped him too his room and didn't even realize that he had a stroke for over 48 hours!!! The doctor Mckay Mckay Mckay (wanted you too see his name) only came to his room and gave a half ass apology only because the hospital administrators told him he better!!! Why because they are going to get their asses sued off!!! Holy Family hospital in Spokane Washington is a two bit operation they cut so many corners. My dad is not the first person I know of who has almost died there. The nurses and staff that came into my dad's room could care less about him they just wanted their fucking money and to get the fuck off work so they could go home and do what they want to do. Believe me I have been selfish throughout my life as my blogs will show. But today I cry when injustice is the order of the day because if I don't cry I will fucking kill someone!!!

What really pisses me off is that vetrans give their life for this country willingly and have no choice in the matter, then we don't even give them the time of day. Worse off is the lieing bastard HMO's who pull the rug out from under your feet at some point when never telling you about it in the first place. There is a law that deals with the mistrust of insurance companies. I don't want to sue anyone but goddammit that is the only thing the rich understand is when you take precious money from them or embarrass them into doing something. Someday this or something like it will happen to you! I swear it! The time is now to take action against the rich of this world and redistribute the wealth and show a caring attitude to everyone not just some convenient goddamn smile and psuedo Martha Stewart spuedo compassion. THIS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!!! unless you rich.

Ask yourself why is Coby Bryant still playing basketball after allegedly raping some girl. Would you or I get out of jail to carry on with are very important lives? If you answer yes your are stupider than I give the mass majority of humanity credit for. If the fact that the rich can get out of any problem because MONEY = RIGHTS this conveys a point that if you are not rich basically you are not worthy of your health or your rights to LIFE, LIBERTY and the PERSUIT of HAPPINESS. We don't have a country to run to and get away from the tyrannts like early american settlers did this is the last frontier for now.

Research your Senate House and Represantive House you will see a criminal rap sheet that looks like a local county jail. We tell our children through the media that if you are not rich you are not worth shit your only job is to feed the rich, wash their cars and polish their toenails. Do politicians live on the measly social security we do. NO it is well known they live like gods on the same amount of money that they made in office and that is not counting the dirty monies they have stashed away. Make them live on our SSI and they will fix that sucker quicker than shit.

That is why I hate the rich becuase like you they don't care about anything but themselves. Albeit there are exceptions to every rule and every rich person is not an ass the majority of the rich elite are though and in humanity there are spots of light but not many these days.
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