I am on some support sites for my rare diseases that I have. I posted on one site to a friend (should have kept it private) about "Bowling for Columbine" and wow did someone go off on me!!! ~chuckles~ They just started calling Michael Moore a liar with no substantial evidence of why ~surprised~
NRA members hate Michael Moore with a passion. I don't understand he is a paying member of the NRA as am I. They hate him because he asks questions they cannot answer:
Why did the NRA always show up for support after slayings of children? Seemed kind of cruel too me.
How can we tell our children to stop hurting others while we drop tons of bombs on other peoples?
How do we tell our children to be nice and respectful to others while we continue to manafacture nuclear weapons?
He isn't anti-gun. Hell Michael and I were born and raised with guns practically from birth. In some places we could even take them to school ~chuckles~ We are just trying to find the answers so we can create a solution to the problems that befound our society.
When they left my dad having a stroke for 48 hours before they realized what was going on. We could of sued the shit out of them. But the only people that it would have hurt was the doctor (whose fault it wasn't) and the hospital which does more good than bad. We didn't because the dumbass "professionals" involved would have never been affected by the lawsuit. And believe me the amount of money the ambulance chasers were spewing out were enticing to say the least. Which brings me to another problem our society has:
Frivolous lawsuits and the lame judges that allow them.
If you spill coffee on yourself. You are a dumbass who is careless or had an accident. Don't blame it on McDonalds (she got $100,000).
It hurts me when someone assaults me like that. Because I am human and although knowing better would like to think that the vast majority of us are as well. So why can't we all work together? How can there be two wrongs or rights? There is a duality to our universe but truth always remains solid. I guess the majority of people will always live at war both from within and from the outside.
Michael Moore is a guy who is rich and could just sit on his ass apathetically like everyone else does. Most give money to philanthropy but don't want to be bothered with the "poor" public. This is a guy who spends his own money trying to spawn people to think ~chuckles~. Something I don't feel most Americans I have met do enough of (with exceptions of course).